President Message

Bangladesh Meat Science Association (BMSA) with its head quarters located at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh brings together meat animal/poultry producers, meat scientists, meat processors, meat exporters and all other involved in research, training and extension related to meat science and technology in Bangladesh.

In order to realize the power of meat and meat products in 21st century, several Institutions and Industries are working with sizeable number of scientists, faculty members and students on various aspects of meat science namely novel meat sources, meat sustainability, animal welfare and slaughter, muscle biology and biochemistry, microbiology and chemical hazards, advanced preservation techniques, by-products utilization, value addition, packaging, meat based functional foods and also on specific hot topics important to the industry.

The Bangladesh Meat Science Association is a broad-reaching organization of individuals that would discovers, develops, and disseminates its collective meat science knowledge to provide leadership, education, and professional development. Our mission and passion is to help meat science by fostering a learning community of meat scientists, industry partners, outside thought leaders and other stakeholders who embrace this vision.

BMSA will be representing major university research and teaching institutions and meat processing companies in Bangladesh and internationally. Its members will conduct basic and applied research and education programs in muscle growth and development, meat quality, safety, processing technology and consumer and marketing issues relevant to the national and international meat industry.

BMSA is the premier provider of learning and knowledge for the meat science discipline. The association would delivers innovative learning experiences, opportunities for peer-to-peer collaboration and leadership development programs designed to advance the meat science discipline. The Association will work with the objectives of advancement of all aspects of science and technology relating to production, processing and marketing of meat and meat products to serve the humanity.

This association would offer and arrange industry science conferences, workshops, meat food exhibition, continuing education programs in meat quality and consistency, a peer-reviewed journal, and a growing online library of articles, fact sheets and training resources. In addition, the organization would promote the development of students through its innovative meat judging program, product development competition and leadership training activities.

We encourage individual scientists, technologists, faculty members, students, meat industry experts as well as corporate bodies to join as members and it is our desire to make the association most useful forum for techno-scientific and educational activities accessible to Master’s, PhD, Postdoc students, scientists working in both academia and Industry.

A. Hashem, PhD
Bangladesh Meat Science Association