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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

1. Meat Research is a peer-reviewed international journal publishing original research and review articles on scientific and technological aspects of meat. It covers an area of meat animal production, composition, processing, preservation & safety of meat, and value of edible products including muscle biology and biochemistry, microbiology & biotechnology, sensory evaluation, consumer science, new or improved meat related analytical procedures, and marketing of meat & meat products. Original research articles, review papers and short communications are published in this journal.

2. Papers for publication in the Meat Research should report results of original research. Review papers are generally requested for by the editor. Papers should be in English, typed double spaced and on one side of the paper (A4 size) with sufficient margin on all sides, and should not ordinarily exceed 20 typed pages (approximately 5000 words). A paper is received on the understanding that it has not been, and will not be, published elsewhere, and that it may be edited where necessary, for brevity, clarity and elimination of redundancy.

3. The cover page includes title and all the names of authors. It is encouraged to use full names of authors in bylines. An asterisk (*) follows the name of an author denotes the corresponding author and is matched to the words *Corresponding author at the bottom of the cover page. In this place addresses for all authors, email address and phone number for the corresponding author are included.

4. The second page will start with an informative Abstract preferably within 300 words. The Abstract should be followed by 4-6 key words and then by sections on Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements (if any), Conflict of interest and References.

5. Tables and Figures: Tables should be typed on separate sheets. Foot-notes should be avoided as far as possible. Figures/Graphics should be prepared in GIF, TIFF, JPEG or Power Point. Tables and Figures should be appropriately cited in the manuscript.

6. Only metric system should be used for measures and weights.

7. Citation and references: For single author citation, last name of the author followed by a comma and the year (Rousset, 2008); for two authors- the last names are joined by ‘and’ followed by a comma and the year (Belton and Azad, 2012); for more than three or more authors use the last name of the first author followed by et al. and year (Hansen et al., 2006). In case of two or more publications by the same author(s) add a, b, etc (Hebert et al., 2004a, 2004b) to distinguish the citations. Only references actually cited in the paper should be listed under Literature Cited. This should be done alphabetically and in the style as shown below for journals, books, and multi author volumes. In case of articles with more than one author, the last name of only the first author should occur, with a comma, before the initials. Journals should be abbreviated according to the latest edition of the World List of Scientific Periodicals.

With page number

Anderson S. 2007. Determination of fat, moisture, and protein in meat and meat products using the FOSS Food Scan near-infrared spectrophotometer with FOSS Artificial Neural Network Calibration Model and Associated Database: Collaborative study. Journal of AOAC International, 90: 1073–1083.

Huff-Lonergan E, Lonergan SM. 2005. Mechanisms of water-holding capacity of meat: The role of postmortem biochemical and structural changes. Meat Science, 71: 194-204.

Mancini RA, Ramanathan R, Suman SP, Dady G, Joseph P. 2011. Effects of succinate on ground beef color and premature browning. Meat Science, 89: 189–194.

With article number

Kokoszyński D, Stęczny K, Żochowska-Kujawska J, Sobczak M, Kotowicz M, Saleh M, Włodarczyk K. 2020. Carcass Characteristics, Physicochemical Properties, and Texture and Microstructure of the Meat and Internal Organs of Carrier and King Pigeons. Animals, 10, 1315.

Dixita Y, Phama HQ, Realinia CE, Agnewa MP, Craigiec CR, Reis MM. 2020. Evaluating the performance of a miniaturized NIR spectrophotometer forpredicting intramuscular fat in lamb: A comparison with benchtop and hand-held Vis-NIR spectrophotometers. Meat Science, 162, 108026.


Mendoca AF. 2002. Inactivation by heat. In Control of foodborne pathogens. 2nd ed. Juneja VK, Sofos JN (ed). pp 75-104. Marcel Dekker, New York, NY, USA.

NAMI. 2014. The meat buyers guide. 8th ed. North American Meat Institute, Washington, DC. The USA.

Steel RGD, Torrie JH. 1980. Principles and procedures of statistics: A biometrical approach. 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill, New York.

Thesis, patents, proceedings

Yoo SH. 2009. Studies on the production of cheese whey protein based hydrolysates and development of health beverage containing bioactive peptide. Ph. D. thesis, Konkuk University. Seoul, Korea.

Meier D, Hiller K. 2001. Method and apparatus for conveying and separating of sausages or the like. US Patent 1,307, 666.

Ehlermann DAE. 2001. Current situation of food irradiation in Europe. 11th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, Expo Park, Seoul, Korea. pp 123-124.

Software and Software Documentation

Minitab. 1998. MINITAB 12. Minitab, State College, PA.

Online publication

Kelley DE. 2005. Skeletal muscle fat oxidation: timing and flexibility are everything. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 115: 1699-1702.

8. Page proofs will be sent to the corresponding author for corrections. The corrected proof should be immediately returned to the Editor. Authors should not insert new matter into proofs, or correct faults in the style or arrangement of their papers at this stage.

9. Short Communication should differ from full papers on the basis of scope or completeness, rather than on the quality of research. They should report significant new findings on problems with narrow, well-defined limits, or important findings that warrant rapid publication before broader studies are completed. The text should be between 500 and 1500 words, but should not be divided into conventional sections.

10. Originality: The corresponding author is responsible to ensure that all authors have agreed to be listed and approved the paper submission to the journal, and for approved papers managing all communication between the journal and all co-authors, before and after publication. All manuscripts are checked for plagiarism. Authors should strictly avoid plagiarism, including self-plagiarism. Manuscripts with over 20% overlapping from the similarity report results exceeding 20% would not be considered for publication by Meat Research (MR). Papers submitted to MR must be original and not be published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

11. Publication cost: Article Processing Charge (APC): Tk. 500/- to be paid at the time of submission of the manuscript as Article Processing Charge which is non-refundable. Once a manuscript has been accepted, the corresponding author will be contacted to pay Tk. 2500/- as printing charge. The money can be sent cash or electronically (bkash, bank transfer). For foreign author(s), there will be no publication fee at this moment.

12. All correspondence should be address to Professor Dr. Md. Abul Hashem, Editor, Meat Research, C/O, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Animal Husbandry Building, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh 2202, Bangladesh. Email:; Tel. (091)67401-6 Extn. 2633. Cell. +8801721310621.

13. Open access, licensing and copyright issues: Meat Research is a full open access journal. Therefore, authors will retain the copyright (including licensing) and full publishing rights without restrictions.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.